The application is called Legal Dungeon and it is a game that focuses on organizing police investigation documents. The game is based on real-life scenarios and players are tasked with reviewing and providing a verdict on reports ranging from petty theft to murder in eight different criminal cases. The game aims to teach players about the importance of apprehending and punishing criminals for the sake of public safety. It also allows players to become experts in identifying and revealing true criminals.
The game is inspired by a real-life court case where the Supreme Court ruled that it is not entrapment when police do not help a drunk pedestrian sleeping on the sidewalk during a stakeout, and then arrest thieves who try to steal from the drunk victim. The court stated that it is not illegal to indict a defendant who voluntarily premeditates and carries out a crime. This concept is reflected in the game, where players must weigh the value of people's lives in order to unlock all the collectibles and achieve the best possible outcome.
Legal Dungeon offers players 14 different endings and 6 achievements to unlock, making it a highly interactive and engaging game. The game also features a cute in-game Screen Mate shop, adding a fun and playful element to the overall experience. By playing this game, players can gain a better understanding of the legal system and the complexities of criminal investigations.
In summary, Legal Dungeon is a unique and educational game that allows players to step into the shoes of a police investigator. Through reviewing and providing verdicts on various criminal cases, players can learn about the importance of apprehending and punishing criminals for the sake of public safety. With multiple endings and achievements to unlock, the game offers a fun and immersive experience while also teaching players about the complexities of the legal system.