Touhou LostWord is a mobile game set in the world of Gensokyo, based on the popular Touhou Project series and officially licensed by Team Shanghai Alice. The game features a variety of characters from the Touhou universe, including Reimu Hakurei, Marisa Kirisame, Yukari Yakumo, and many more.
The game's main feature is its battle system, where players use their characters' Spell Cards to engage in exciting bullet battles. Players can also power up their favorite characters and create a party of up to 6. Additionally, players can choose from 3 different voices for each character and dress them up in a variety of costumes.
Touhou LostWord also boasts an impressive lineup of participating artists and musicians, including Akitsu Mikami, Butaotome, and COOL&CREATE. The game is a collaboration between GOOD SMILE COMPANY, INC. and NextNinja Co., Ltd.
Overall, Touhou LostWord offers an immersive experience for fans of the Touhou Project series, with its familiar characters, exciting battles, and stunning artwork and music. Whether you're a longtime fan or new to the series, this game is sure to provide hours of entertainment.
So why wait? Join Reimu, Marisa, and the rest of the Touhou gang in this thrilling mobile game and see what adventures await in the world of Gensokyo!