Darkwick Academy is a prestigious school where your classmates have made a deal with demons to fulfill their wishes. As a student, you must work together with your unruly classmates to solve supernatural cases in Tokyo. But don't worry, you can always rely on the clever cat familiars at Darkwick for support if you get stuck.
This game offers a wide variety of gameplay modes, including exploring a gripping story through comics and Live 2D technology. You can also build new facilities with your adorable cat familiars, collect cute and quirky cats, battle monsters with your ghoul classmates, and play rhythm games to collect powerful items. Additionally, you can join other players in exciting co-op modes.
Your experience at Darkwick Academy is what you make of it. Immerse yourself in the bizarre charms of Tokyo's dark side and discover the secrets it holds.
Stay updated on the latest news and updates by following Darkwick Academy on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Before playing, make sure to read and agree to the Terms of Service, which can be found on the game's website.
Powered by Live2D technology, Darkwick Academy offers a unique and immersive gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours.