"The Sea Eternal" is an interactive fantasy novel written by award-winning author Lynnea Glasser. It is a text-based game with no graphics or sound effects, allowing the reader's imagination to fuel the story. The game is set in an underwater world where the merfolk have been granted eternal life by the whales, but in return, they must defend against the giant squid and keep their existence a secret from humans. However, when a rogue mermaid threatens to destroy this gift of immortality, the delicate balance of society is at risk and the player's choices will determine the outcome.
The game offers over 283,000 words and 10 unique endings, giving players the power to control the story. As the main character, you must decide what being a hero means to you. Will you fight to protect your immortality or sacrifice it for a greater cause? The game also allows players to choose their own mer-self, with multiple gender and orientation options available. This adds a level of personalization and inclusivity to the game, as players can see themselves represented in the story.
In "The Sea Eternal," players will encounter a diverse cast of characters and have the opportunity to play alongside them. This includes merfolk with different backgrounds, beliefs, and motivations. The game also allows players to romance human visitors to the underwater city, adding a romantic element to the story. However, players must also navigate complex relationships and earn the trust of nuanced characters. The choices made by the player can either strengthen or break these relationships, adding a layer of depth to the storytelling.
The game also explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the consequences of one's actions. Will your undying love save the City of Glass, or will it lead to its destruction? The game challenges players to think about the impact of their choices and the consequences that come with them. With its immersive storytelling and diverse characters, "The Sea Eternal" offers a unique and engaging experience for players to explore the depths of their imagination.