Create your own manga masterpiece and become a beloved artist in the nation. Begin your journey as a novice manga creator in a small, empty room armed with just a single pen. Use your skills to create the best manga possible and proudly present it to publishers. As a manga artist, ideas are crucial. Explore and gather inspiration to develop your plot and infuse your manga with creativity. Earn experience points and use them to improve your drawing, storytelling, and other abilities. Once you feel confident in your one-shot manga, take it to a publisher. If you can impress the "editor from hell," it could be the start of a successful partnership. Become the greatest manga artist in the world and leave your mark in history. All of your progress will be saved on your device, but cannot be transferred to other devices or restored after deleting or reinstalling the app. Search for "Kairosoft" to discover all of our games, or visit us at to explore both our free-to-play and paid games. Stay updated on the latest Kairosoft news and information by following kairokun2010 on Twitter at