The Darkside Detective is a comedic serial adventure game where players take on the role of Detective Francis McQueen, the lead investigator of the underfunded Darkside Division. The game is set in Twin Lakes City, a place where cultists, demons, and the occult are a common occurrence. Detective McQueen is always ready to investigate any strange and supernatural cases that arise in the city, even if it means venturing into shady alleyways or confronting evil at the doorstep of innocent citizens.
As the title suggests, Detective McQueen is known as The Darkside Detective, and he is accompanied by his sidekick, Officer Patrick Dooley. Together, they make up the Darkside Division and are responsible for solving the paranormal cases that plague Twin Lakes City. In this game, players will have the opportunity to join them on their investigations and help them uncover the truth behind these mysterious occurrences.
The game features a collection of nine bite-sized micro cases, each with its own unique paranormal twist. These cases will take players to various locations around Twin Lakes City, including a Christmas Spectacular Special. As players explore these eerie and mysterious locations, they must use their wits and observational skills to gather clues and solve the cases at hand. And if they get stuck, they can always borrow a friend's brain for some extra help.
In addition to its comedic and supernatural elements, The Darkside Detective also boasts cutting-edge, high definition pixel graphics. The game's visuals are sure to immerse players in the strange and spooky world of Twin Lakes City. And to top it off, the game features music from Ben Prunty, the talented composer behind popular games such as Into the Breach, Subnautica, and FTL.
So, if you're ready to join Detective McQueen and Officer Dooley on their paranormal investigations, then The Darkside Detective is the game for you. With its unique blend of comedy, mystery, and the supernatural, this game is sure to provide hours of entertainment and laughter. And who knows, you might even learn a thing or two about dealing with curses and hexes along the way.