This application is about a frustrated stickman who is tired of waiting for the racing season. He decides to take matters into his own hands and launches his potty racer into the sky to learn how to fly. The stickman, who is a redneck, learns how to fly in a comical way using his potty racer.
The goal of the game is simple: learn how to fly the potty racer as far and high as possible. Once the potty racer is launched into the sky, the player must control and balance it to keep it flying. The more successful the flight, the more gold the player earns to spend on upgrades for the potty racer. These upgrades include the ramp, speed, and boosts, which help the stickman learn to fly even better.
In each level, the potty racer of the redneck stickman also upgrades. It starts off as a simple shopping cart and gradually transforms into an advanced airplane. By the end of the game, the stickman is flying like a hero in his upgraded potty racer.
The game features a fantasy space adventure where players can watch the redneck stickman learn how to fly in the air. It also allows players to enjoy their "potty time" by flying like a penguin. There are dozens of potty airplane models and skills to choose from, and they can all be upgraded to make the flying experience even more exciting. Starting from a simple shopping cart, players can become a hero by the end of the game.