The game is set on a distant planet called Pasha, where a prosperous underground city is home to adorable dog-like creatures. These creatures live in peace and enjoy the convenience of technology, but the protagonist Bobbie dreams of exploring the world outside of the closed-off city. As players take on the role of Bobbie, they will navigate through the seemingly peaceful city and discover that it is facing an energy crisis. To save the inhabitants from disaster, players must solve challenging puzzles and clear stages of obstacles.
The game is developed by an independent studio in Taiwan and features classic click-and-point puzzle-solving gameplay. The hand-painted scenes add charm and heartwarming elements to the game, making it visually appealing. However, players must also be prepared for challenging puzzles and stages that will test their problem-solving skills.
The main objective of the game is to help Bobbie save the inhabitants of the underground city from the impending disaster. As players progress through the game, they will uncover the mystery behind the energy crisis and work towards finding a solution. This adds an element of suspense and urgency to the gameplay, making it more engaging for players.
In summary, the game is a puzzle-solving adventure set in a distant planet where players take on the role of Bobbie, a resident of the underground city. With charming hand-painted scenes and challenging puzzles, players must navigate through the city and solve the final mystery to save the inhabitants from an energy crisis. Developed by an independent studio in Taiwan, this game offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience for players.