"Not Exactly A Hero" is a unique and intriguing novel-style adventure game that puts you in the shoes of Riley, an everyday citizen who is a substitute agent for a superhero. Throughout the game, you will encounter a variety of characters, including your boss, a new team member, and even a kebab truck guy, and your interactions with them will shape the outcome of the game. With 3 starting points, 4 side character routes, 9 different endings, and a bonus route for completionists, every playthrough is like playing a new game.
The game is filled with decision-making, and each choice you make will have a significant impact on the plot and ultimately determine the final outcome. With its Marvel-esque light and witty atmosphere, stylish illustrations, and unique messenger-style gameplay, "Not Exactly A Hero" offers a refreshing and engaging gaming experience. You are the protagonist, and everything is up to your choices.
For fans of story-driven, choice-based, and visual novel games, as well as games where you can interact and build connections with other characters, "Not Exactly A Hero" is a must-play. And the best part? It's free to play! You will also love the heartwarming and wholesome themes of the game, as well as the various achievements and collectible illustrations to unlock.
But the fun doesn't stop there. The creators of "Not Exactly A Hero" have more stories to tell and plan to release more visual novels and story-driven adventure games in the future. And if you enjoy this game, be sure to check out their other titles, "7 Days" and "Underworld Office."
This game is perfect for gamers who love visual novels, adventure games, and messenger-style games, as well as those who enjoy light-themed superhero movies, comics, or novels. It's also a great choice for anyone looking for a heartwarming and wholesome gaming experience, as well as those who appreciate indie games and free-to-play options. So why not give "Not Exactly A Hero" a try and see where your choices will take you?