In this second installment of the game, players take on the role of Arashi, a fierce ninja who has just escaped from a frozen prison created by the evil shadow demon, Dosu. Arashi's main goal is to rescue his son and uncover the truth behind Dosu's sinister plan. However, this time around, the journey will be even more difficult and challenging for Arashi.
Ninja Arashi 2 offers a simple yet addictive gameplay experience that will keep players on the edge of their seats. With thrilling moments and unexpected twists, this game will surely keep players engaged and entertained. The addition of RPG elements allows players to upgrade their ninja skills and delve deeper into the game's mechanics.
The game boasts several exciting features, including a challenging platformer mode, a 4-act story mode with 80 stages to complete, and the introduction of melee weapons. Players will also encounter new mechanics, a brand new skill tree system, and a brand new artifact system. With superior character control, players will feel fully immersed in the game's beautiful graphics and scenery, which features a unique shadow silhouette style.
One of the most exciting aspects of Ninja Arashi 2 is the epic ninja vs boss fights. Players will have to use all their skills and upgrades to defeat these powerful enemies and progress through the game. With all these features and more, Ninja Arashi 2 promises to be an action-packed and thrilling gaming experience for players of all ages.