"New York Mysteries: The Outbreak" is an exciting adventure game that falls into the Hidden Objects genre. It features a diverse cast of characters and challenging quests to complete, as well as a variety of mini-games and puzzles to keep players engaged.
The game is set in New York City during the late 1960s, and players take on the role of Laura and her colleague Will as they investigate a mysterious disease that is spreading throughout the city. As they delve deeper into the case, they discover a connection to a secret order and a mysterious artifact that may hold the key to stopping the outbreak.
With a sense of urgency hanging over the city, players must race against time to find a cure and save the people of New York. The game features stunning graphics and a variety of locations to explore, with over 50 scenes to discover. Along the way, players can also collect various items and morphing objects to enhance their gameplay experience.
In addition to the main storyline, players can also enjoy over 40 challenging puzzles to solve, adding an extra layer of excitement and difficulty to the game. "New York Mysteries: The Outbreak" is optimized for both tablets and phones, making it easily accessible for players on the go.
For those who enjoy this game, there are also other titles available from the same creators, FIVE-BN GAMES. Players can visit their website or follow them on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram to stay updated on their latest releases and news.