In the distant future, humanity is on the brink of extinction due to an alien invasion. All hope seems lost until a small funghi wakes up from a deep sleep. Together with an android and a trusty shovel, this funghi named Josh must embark on an epic journey to save the remaining life on the planet.
The controls for this game are simple - just tap on the spot where you want the funghi to dig and they will do the rest. While they work, you can sit back and enjoy their adorable animations.
As you dig, you may come across various treasures such as funghi fossils, ancient relics, and useful items. You never know what you might find until you dig it up. And if you're lucky, you may even uncover one of the last remaining funghi - a Withered.
For the first time in funghi history, you can revive withered funghi using special cans. This adds a new element to the game as you never know what kind of funghi will emerge from the can.
If you enjoy cute mushrooms, going on adventures, and finding treasures, then you will love Mushroom Dig. It's a casual simulation game with simple controls that you can enjoy at your own pace. Whether you're a fan of the series or just looking for a relaxing game, Mushroom Dig is the perfect choice.