In this application, each character has their own set of decks that they can use in their adventures. These decks can be customized and upgraded with Trait Points, which are unique to each character. As you continue on your adventure, you can collect various cards to add to your deck, creating a unique and powerful combination.
One way to showcase the strength of your deck is by utilizing relics, which provide additional bonuses and synergies. As you progress through the game, you will have to strategically choose your routes to ensure a successful adventure. However, there may be unexpected challenges in the Unknown Grounds that you must face.
To continue your adventure, you must defeat monsters and earn rewards. These rewards can be used to purchase cards and items from Merchants, as well as restore your character's HP and upgrade their cards at Camps. Additionally, you can discover relics throughout your journey that will aid you in your battles.
For an extra challenge, you can hunt wanted monsters and acquire essences, which can be done three times a day. This adds an extra layer of gameplay and rewards for dedicated players. Overall, this application is easy to play and offers a diverse lineup of monsters, unique traits for each character, and hundreds of various cards and relics to collect and utilize in your adventures.