A mysterious creature known as the "liquid cat" has appeared and can be summoned by twisting a faucet. This strange and mysterious world is filled with these cats, providing a unique and intriguing experience for players.
The game features one-stroke puzzles that not only provide entertainment, but also train the brain. Players can challenge themselves to see how many blocks they can successfully connect in one stroke. With each play, the brain is activated and strengthened.
The ultimate goal is to clear the puzzles and protect the liquid cats. By using their skills, players can conquer various stages and earn high scores. As they progress, they can also raise their own liquid cat and form a strong party.
There are many different types of liquid cats with varying levels of rarity, providing a diverse and exciting collection for players to discover. The battle mode becomes available once the liquid cat has grown, allowing players to test their skills and compete against others.
The app itself is free to download, but there are also some paid items available for purchase. These items can enhance the gameplay experience and provide additional features for players to enjoy.