A Heroic Tale Unfolds! The KartRider franchise brings you an immersive story mode that reveals the motivations behind the Racers. Experience a unique story mode that introduces you to the various gameplay modes available in the game.
Master the Modes and choose your own path to victory. Whether you prefer to race solo or as part of a team, there are a variety of gameplay modes to suit your style. Earn licenses and unlock more challenging race tracks in Speed Race, or add an extra layer of thrill with modes like Item Race, Infini-Boost, or Lucci Runner in Arcade Mode. Climb up the Racing Tiers and earn respect among your peers in Ranked Mode, or join Dao and friends in Story Mode to stop the treacherous Pirate Captain Lodumani's evil deeds. For a test of speed, try Time Trial and see if you can beat the clock and become the fastest racer.
Drift in Style with the latest outfits and accessories for your Racer, and choose from a selection of stylish and iconic Karts. Customize your ride with trendy decals and pets to earn prestige on the tracks.
Become a Racing Legend by competing in real-time multiplayer matches. Use the optimized drifting controls and time your Nitro boosts perfectly to leave your opponents in the dust.
Join the Club and complete quests with players from around the world. Show off your kart in your own customizable Home or take a break from racing with fun mini-games.
Race Tracks on Another Level with over 45+ tracks to choose from. Each track has its own unique traits, offering a different racing experience for those looking for a challenge. From the bustling traffic of London Nights to the icy terrain of Shark's Tomb, there's something for everyone.
Follow Us on various social media platforms to stay updated on the latest news and updates for KartRider Rush+. An internet connection is required to play the game, and for the best experience, it is recommended to have AOS 9.0 or higher and a minimum of 1GB RAM.
Before playing, please review the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The game may request certain app permissions for services such as saving images, uploading photos/videos, collecting numbers for promotional texts, taking photos or filming videos for uploading, talking during the game, and using local network services. These permissions can be adjusted or withdrawn in your device settings. The game also offers in-app purchases, which can be disabled in your device settings.