This application is an interactive adventure game that follows the story of two children who have been magically shrunk down to the size of ants. As the player, you will join these two siblings on their journey through the garden, which is filled with different worlds and creatures. Your goal is to collect necessary items and uncover the secrets of this small-big world.
As you explore, you will encounter both hostile insects and friendly characters who may need your assistance. By completing tasks and gaining experience, you can develop your character and become stronger to defeat tougher opponents.
In addition to the main storyline, there are also various mini-games that require agility and accuracy to help the siblings on their quest to return to their normal size. These mini-games add an extra level of excitement and challenge to the overall gameplay.
Overall, this application offers a unique and imaginative adventure that will keep players engaged and entertained. With its charming characters, captivating worlds, and challenging tasks, it is sure to provide hours of fun for all ages. So join the two children on their journey and see if you have what it takes to help them return to their normal size!