The Ghost Case is the fourth installment in the Hidden Town escape room game series. In this game, players must explore different parts of the city, gather clues, and interview suspects in order to solve a mysterious murder case.
The Dark Dome escape room games can be played in any order, but there are connections between them that will lead players down various paths and reveal more secrets about Hidden Town. The Ghost Case is directly connected to the previous games, The Girl in the Window and Haunted Laia.
In this suspenseful thriller game, players will have access to a map of the city where they can visit locations such as the murder house, the asylum, the cemetery, and more. Each location is filled with puzzles and brain teasers that players must solve in order to progress in the game.
The Ghost Case features a gripping and interactive detective story that will put players' detective skills to the test. The game also boasts detailed and eerie artwork, as well as a selection of music that will add to the suspenseful atmosphere.
Players' decisions throughout the game will determine which of the two possible endings they will experience. Additionally, there is an alternate achievement for finding all nine hidden owls scattered throughout the game.
The Premium Version of The Ghost Case includes a secret scene with additional puzzles and riddles, as well as the removal of all ads. Players can interact with objects and characters in the game by touching them, and must use their wits to solve puzzles and progress in the game.
Immerse yourself in the spine-tingling atmosphere of this horror escape mystery game, where every shadow and creaking floorboard holds a terrifying secret. The narrative will keep players on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Discover the enigmatic stories of the Dark Dome escape room games and unravel all the mysteries of Hidden Town. Visit for more information and follow @dark_dome for updates.