The application follows the story of Satsuki, the main character, who is tasked with destroying a "nest" in a different space. The game features a combat system where the battles progress automatically, but the player can activate skills manually. This adds an element of strategy to the game, as the player must carefully choose when to use their skills to defeat their enemies.
Satsuki has access to over 20 different arms, but they are not all available at once. Instead, they are delivered to the player one by one. Each arm has its own unique strengths, attack speed, weapon specialties, and skills. The player can equip up to 8 arms at a time, allowing for a variety of combinations and playstyles.
In addition to arms, there are also 8 types of weapons that can be equipped on each arm. These weapons can be obtained by defeating enemies and come with random abilities. The player can disassemble these weapons to obtain one of their random abilities as a piece. This adds an element of chance to the game, as the player may not always get the ability they want from a weapon.
The game also features a shard system, where pieces of shards can be equipped to Satsuki to give abilities to all of his arms. However, the player cannot have more than one piece of the same ability equipped at a time. This adds a layer of strategy as the player must carefully choose which abilities to equip and which to leave behind. The maximum number of shards that can be equipped is 10, so the player must also prioritize which abilities are most important to them.
In summary, the application offers a unique and strategic gameplay experience through its combat, equipment, and shard systems. The player must carefully choose when to use their skills, which arms and weapons to equip, and which abilities to equip through shards. This adds an element of challenge and variety to the game, making it an exciting and engaging experience for players.