The King of Tycoon is on a mission to save the world from a disturbance in the crystals that balance its powers. However, he goes missing and a young man and his Chocobo are drawn towards friends who will change their destiny.
FFV is the fifth installment in the FINAL FANTASY series and builds upon the job systems of previous games. It offers a diverse selection of jobs to try and a unique ability system that allows players to combine skills. Players have free reign to develop their characters and master their battle tactics.
The game has been beautifully revived with updated 2D pixel graphics and a rearranged soundtrack overseen by original composer Nobuo Uematsu. The UI has been modernized and there are options for auto-battle and game pad controls. Players can also use boost features to switch off random encounters and adjust experience and ABP gained multipliers.
The game also includes supplemental extras such as a bestiary, illustration gallery, and music player. It is a one-time purchase and does not require any additional payments to play through the game after the initial purchase and download. However, it is based on the original 1992 version of "FINAL FANTASY V" and may differ from previously rereleased versions. Some features, such as BGM and font selection, may not be available on all platforms.
The game is compatible with devices running Android 6.0 or higher, although some models may not be supported. Players can dive into the world of FFV and experience the epic adventure of the King of Tycoon and his companions as they fight to save the world from the threat to the crystals.