The application is a remastered version of the second installment in the FINAL FANTASY series. It follows the journey of four orphaned youths as they join forces with various characters, such as a white wizard and a prince, to navigate through the struggles between the Palamecian Empire and the rebel army. The game introduces a unique skill level system that strengthens different attributes of the characters based on their fighting style, rather than traditional leveling up. Players can also use key terms learned in conversation to unlock new information and progress in the story.
The game has been beautifully revived with updated 2D pixel graphics and a rearranged soundtrack overseen by the original composer. The UI has also been modernized and includes features such as auto-battle and gamepad controls. Players can also use boost features to customize their gameplay experience, such as turning off random encounters and adjusting weapon skill level gained multipliers. The game also includes supplemental extras like a bestiary, illustration gallery, and music player.
The app is a one-time purchase and does not require any additional payments to play through the game after the initial purchase and download. However, it is important to note that this remaster is based on the original 1988 version of "FINAL FANTASY II" and may differ from previously rereleased versions. Some features, such as BGM and font selection, may not be available on all platforms.
The application is compatible with devices running Android 6.0 or higher, although some models may not be supported. Overall, this remastered version offers an ambitious and innovative take on the classic FINAL FANTASY series, with updated graphics, improved gameplay, and additional features to enhance the overall gaming experience.