Evergreen is a digital adaptation of a popular board game designed by Hjalmar Hach and illustrated by Wenyi Geng. The game is all about creating and developing a forest on your own planet. Each round, players will choose a Biome card that determines the area of their planet they can develop. The goal is to strategically grow trees, plant bushes, and place lakes to create a thriving forest and earn points. The game also incorporates the power of nature to give players extra actions.
The key to success in Evergreen is to concentrate your trees in the most fertile areas without overshadowing each other. This requires careful planning and consideration of the position of the sun. The game also introduces the concept of expansion modules, such as Pines and Cacti, which add new plants that interact with light and shadow in unique ways. These expansions offer new strategies for players to earn even more points.
Evergreen offers various modes of play, including solo against AI bots, local multiplayer, and online multiplayer. The online leaderboard is cross-platform, allowing players to compete with others from all over the world. The game also features over 20 achievements for players to unlock.
The digital adaptation of Evergreen stays true to the original board game, featuring the beautiful artwork of Wenyi Geng. The gameplay is centered around network planning, where players must make the most of their actions each round to create the most rich and diverse environment. The game also allows players to mix and match expansion modules, but only six powers can be active at a time.
In order to access online functionality, players must have a Horrible Guild account. Evergreen offers a unique and engaging gaming experience for players of all ages and skill levels. With its beautiful artwork, strategic gameplay, and various modes of play, Evergreen is a must-try for fans of the original board game and newcomers alike.