The new Endless Nightmare game takes place in a prison and follows the story of Scott Boyd, a retired sergeant from the US Marine Corps. After returning from a conflict with Colonel Jason, Scott is faced with a series of events that gradually crush him and force him into a desperate situation. As he walks towards the endless abyss, players must help him navigate through the cruel reality and find a way to survive.
The gameplay involves exploring each room of the prison, collecting clues and items to solve the case. However, players must also be careful not to alert the creepy monsters that roam the prison. If necessary, they can hide in cabinets to avoid being caught. As they progress, players can collect powerful weapons, upgrade them, and use them to defeat the monsters. They can also learn new skills to improve their survival abilities and find resources to overcome difficulties.
The game features exquisite 3D art that creates a realistic and terrifying visual experience. Players can explore the prison from a first-person perspective, adding to the immersive gameplay. With a variety of content such as skills, weapons, puzzles, exploration, and battles, players will have plenty to do in this horror game. They can also choose from a range of weapons, including a hammer, pistol, shotgun, and rifle, to fight off the monsters. The game offers multiple difficulty modes with different endings to unlock, adding to its replay value.
Endless Nightmare: Prison is a free 3D scary horror game that follows the gameplay of previous horror games, but with a new story that is closer to real life. Through the experience of the game, players can understand the struggles of Scott and the despair he feels towards life. The game offers a completely independent story with different endings to unlock, giving players the chance to help Scott find redemption. With realistic graphics, terrifying sounds, and a heavy storyline, players will be fully immersed in this terrifying and exciting world. The developers encourage players to share their opinions on Facebook and Discord.