This application allows users to create campaigns with their own unique deck. Each campaign has its own deck that remembers the state of the deck, the history of the deck, and any prompts associated with a card draw. This feature is useful for players who want to keep track of their progress and customize their gameplay experience.
One of the main features of this application is the ability to customize each campaign's deck to match the ruleset of the game being played. This means that users can easily remove jokers or specific cards from their deck, such as face cards, to fit the rules of their game. This customization feature makes the application versatile and suitable for a variety of games.
In addition to customization, users also have the option to manually or automatically shuffle the deck when it runs out of cards to draw. This feature ensures that the gameplay remains fair and unpredictable, adding an element of excitement to each draw. Users can choose to shuffle the deck themselves or let the application do it for them.
Another useful feature of this application is the ability to easily edit campaign information and prompts for previous card draws. This means that users can make changes to their campaign settings or prompts at any time, even after they have already started playing. This feature allows for flexibility and adaptability, making the application user-friendly and convenient.
In summary, this application offers a range of features that make it a valuable tool for players of various games. From customizable decks to shuffling options and easy editing capabilities, this application provides a seamless and enjoyable gameplay experience. Whether you want to keep track of your progress, customize your deck, or make changes on the go, this application has you covered.