This application allows users to easily search for spells by name, making it quick and convenient to access specific spells. Additionally, users can sort and filter spells by various options, such as name, school, level, range, duration, and casting time. The sorting feature is two-level, meaning users can set each level to either ascending or descending order. This allows for more specific and customizable sorting options.
In terms of filtering, users can choose to filter spells by any combination of the following: level, sourcebook, school, casting time, duration, range, concentration, and ritual. This allows for even more specific and targeted results when searching for spells.
The application also provides all necessary information about spellcasting, including general information and class-specific information. This can be accessed by clicking on the info button in the top right corner of the screen.
Other useful features of this application include the ability to pull down and refresh the current spell list if needed, as well as the option to long press on a star button to unselect all other options of the same type. These features make it easier for users to navigate and customize their spell list.
In summary, this application is a comprehensive and user-friendly tool for searching, sorting, and filtering spells. With its various features and options, it allows for a more efficient and personalized experience for users looking to access and organize spells for their spellcasting needs.