In the year 2045, a team of scientists working for the evil F-Tec company are presenting their groundbreaking biological experiments in the Atacama Desert. Among the crowd stands a clone with the strongest genes ever synthesized, slowly awakening to the world around them.
News of F-Tec's success has spread worldwide, but a former scientist from the company is working to uncover their sinister plans. With evidence in hand, they are determined to defeat the clones and resist F-Tec's domination.
In this sci-fi idle RPG action card game, players take on the role of a scientist creating their own army of clones and mutants to fight against F-Tec. The game features an automatic intelligence system, allowing players to progress and receive rewards even when they are away from the game.
Players can also explore a comprehensive gene bank, containing six combat attributes and over a hundred genes from historical figures like Alexander the Great and the Pharaohs. By equipping clones with special chips, players can create unique and powerful heroes to battle in the arena.
The game offers immersive gameplay with endless PVE/PVP combat, where players must strategically choose their army composition and evolve their skills and weapons to defeat F-Tec. By registering and logging in, players can receive bonuses and participate in thrilling events and missions.
With the ultimate goal of defeating F-Tec and mastering the evolution science, players must select and evolve their best fighters and engage in epic battles. Are you ready to join the fight against F-Tec and become the ultimate clone evolution master? Play now and find out!