A New Adventure Begins! Clank! is a popular deck-building board game that challenges players to sneak into a dragon's lair, steal a valuable artifact, and escape before getting caught. It has gained a large following and received numerous awards, with various expansions and adaptations available for players to enjoy.
In this game, the deeper you delve into the dungeon, the more valuable treasures you can find. However, the risk also increases as it becomes harder to escape without making a sound and alerting the dragon. Players must compete against each other to claim the most valuable prize, but they can only enjoy their loot if they make it out alive.
Players must use their roguish skills and acquire new items, abilities, and allies to survive in the dungeon. The game combines deck-building and exploration, providing a unique adventure each time it is played.
There are multiple ways to play Clank! Players can start with a guided tutorial to learn the game, then test their abilities by collecting achievements and completing challenges. The game also offers cross-platform play with friends and exciting heists that pit players against opponents from around the world.
No matter how players choose to enter the dungeon, luck will play a significant role in their success. So, good luck and be prepared for an exciting and challenging adventure in Clank!