This application is a mystery-solving game that can be played on a mobile device. The objective of the game is to solve a mystery by interacting with different points on the screen. To begin playing, the user must touch the points on the screen that interest them. These points may contain clues or items that are necessary to solve the mystery.
To navigate through the game, the user can use the arrow button to move in the direction of the arrow. This allows the user to explore different areas and uncover more clues. The arrow button is essential for progressing through the game and solving the mystery.
Once the user has touched an item, they can select it by tapping on it. This allows the user to interact with the item and potentially use it to solve the mystery. If the user touches the item again, they will be taken to a detail screen where they can examine the item more closely. This detail screen may provide additional information or clues that are necessary for solving the mystery.
In the item detail screen, the user can touch the item to examine it further. This may reveal new information or cause something to change in the game. The user may also be able to use other items on the selected item, which can lead to new discoveries and progress in the game. It is important for the user to thoroughly examine each item and use them in different ways to solve the mystery.
In summary, this application is a mystery-solving game that requires the user to interact with different points on the screen and use items to progress and solve the mystery. The user can navigate through the game using the arrow button and examine items in detail to uncover new information. With careful observation and strategic use of items, the user can successfully solve the mystery and complete the game.