In the near future, on Earth, mankind is facing extinction due to a mysterious lifeform known as "HUGE." In response, the world has united to develop a powerful weapon called the "CHARM," which combines science and magic. The CHARM is most effective when wielded by adolescent girls, known as "Lilies," who are celebrated as heroes for their ability to use it.
To combat the HUGE threat, training institutions called "GARDENS" have been established worldwide to protect and guide humanity. The story follows the adventures of girls from different legions as they strive to become outstanding Lilies.
The central narrative focuses on three legions - "Radgrid," "Hervarar," and "Gran Eple" - and features full voice acting. The girls' bonds are portrayed as a fleeting yet beautiful bullet that connects them, and the story is intertwined with the TV anime "Assault Lily Bouquet."
Players can collect "Memoria" cards that depict scenes from the girls' daily lives and battles. These cards also unlock special stories for players to read.
The game's system allows players to combine Memoria cards to create their own party and control Lilies in battle against the HUGE. By strengthening both the CHARM and Memoria, players can gain an advantage in battle. They can also join a legion with up to 9 players and use Neunwelt Tactics to achieve victory in legion battles.
Players can also participate in events such as "Legendary Battle" and "GigantHuge" to earn luxury rewards. The game's official website is, and it can also be found on Facebook at and
The game is published by So-net Entertainment Taiwan Limited and is a collaboration between AZONE INTERNATIONAL, acus/AssaultLilyProject, and Pokelabo, Inc. It is ©SHAFT and is based on the Assault Lily Project. Players can join forces with their friends to fight against the HUGE and save humanity in this exciting and action-packed game.