In the fantasy world of Auria, there are mysterious and powerful Arcane powers that have long been shrouded in secrecy. In this game, you will embark on a journey to uncover the truth behind these powers and become a renowned guild leader in the realm.
The game stays true to the classic tabletop gameplay, where you will face off against various fantasy creatures such as Orcs, Goblins, Undead, and Chaos Knights. With an epic storyline and numerous side quests, you can expect to be entertained for over 50 hours.
As you progress through the game, you will have access to 8 unique heroes: Warrior, Dwarf, Wizard, Elf, Evoker, Assassin, Cleric, and Ranger. Each hero comes with their own set of skills and abilities, allowing you to customize your combat style.
With over 150 equipment and spell options, you can further enhance your heroes and make them even more powerful. As you gain experience, your heroes will level up and become legendary in the world of Auria.
Immerse yourself in the game with a glorious soundtrack that will accompany you on your adventure. And if that's not enough, you can even create your own quests using the Quests Editor and share them with other players through the built-in system - all for free!